Become a Member of Rehoboth Beach Main Street

How to Join RBMS
Simply fill out and submit the application form on this page. Be sure to select your desired membership level. If paying by check, please make checks payable to Rehoboth Beach Main Street, P.O. BOX 50, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971, or stop by the Rehoboth Beach Main Street office located at 509 Rehoboth Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, 19971. We are registered as a non-profit organization, 501 (c) 3 in Delaware; donations are tax deductible.
Member Benefits
Every member business will receive a complimentary gift bag from Rehoboth Beach Main Street.
In-Town Business Members:
Each in -town business member will be assigned a Rehoboth Beach Main Street Liaison Ambassador to work directly with them.
Each Rehoboth Beach Main Street Liaison Ambassador will be a member of the Organization Committee.
Each member will receive member benefits over a 12-monthperiod as set forth below.
Bronze Partner - $175
BENEFITS - Promotion & Visibility:
Listed as business member on Rehoboth Beach Main Street website with a link to the Member website or social media page.
A highlight or promotion in the Rehoboth Beach Main Street Newsletter, social media, or other RBMS media then in use.
If you have space where an event can be held, it will be listed, where applicable, on the RBMS Website showing size and amenities of your available space.
Special events posted on the RBMS Website Save-the-Date Page.
Assistance with hiring staff by listing available positions on the RBMS Website Opportunities Page.
Promoting restaurants’ specials on the RBMS Website Off-Season Specials Page.
Through Google Ads, promoting Members’ businesses in markets outside of Sussex County DE.
BENEFITS - Strategic Engagement:
Input via survey for Rehoboth Beach Main Street Initiatives.
BENEFITS - Business Improvement:
Eligible to compete for a new and updated sign and awning grant award of financial assistance and recognition.
Eligible to receive no-cost notary services.
Silver Partner - $500
All Bronze Member benefits PLUS...
BENEFITS - Promotion & Visibility:
Photo or logo on business directory page on the RBMS Website with link from Rehoboth Beach Main Street to your business site.
Social Media links included in your listing.
Included in an additional highlight or promotion per year. RBMS may choose its Newsletter, social media, or other media.
Special events posted on Rehoboth Beach Main Street website.
Gold Partner - $1,000
All Bronze & Silver Partner benefits PLUS...
BENEFITS - Promotion & Visibility:
News Release with specific mention of your business.
Video promotion for posting to Rehoboth Beach Main Street (and your) website.
Streaming banner promotion on Rehoboth Beach Main Street website and image on home page with a link to the Member’s website.
At Member’s request, can be included in an additional (3rd) highlight or promotion per year in the RBMS Newsletter, social media (e.g., Google Ads), and/or other media platforms then in use by RBMS.
Brief interview broadcast on Radio Rehoboth or other local media.
With information provided by Member, national media (e.g., NBC, other networks) contacted to pitch a story about the Member’s business.
BENEFITS - Strategic Engagement:
In-person conversation with Rehoboth Beach Main Street leadership and outside experts on topics requested by Member.
Platinum Partner - $2,000
All Bronze, Siver, & Gold Partner benefits PLUS...
BENEFITS - Promotion & Visibility:
Pop-up links on Rehoboth Beach Main Street to your website.
Recognition of member awards from other organizations.
BENEFITS - Employee Engagement:
Rehoboth Beach Main Street-arranged speaker at employee event.
Diamond Partner - $5,000+
All Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum benefits PLUS...
BENEFITS – Specifically tailored to you business needs:
RBMS is your Oyster—Tell RBMS what you need and/or what RBMS can do to help your business. Within our Mission and capabilities, RBMS will endeavor to provide any such benefit you request.
Increased exposure featuring your business through advertising and outreach in nearby markets via Google Ads and/or other media platforms generally in use by RBMS at the time.
At your convenience, speakers arranged by RBMS to meet your needs subject to availability on topics of interest to you and your business.
Friends of Main Street
For any individual (resident or non-resident), non-business owners, and businesses located outside the City of Rehoboth Beach.
Friend $50
Sponsor $199.71 – special program for in-town residents
Patron $500+
Rehoboth Beach Main Street Membership Application
Main Street Bronze Partner $175
Main Street Silver Partner $500
Main Street Gold Partner $1000
Main Street Platinum Partner $2000
Main Street Diamond Partner $5000
Friend of Main Street $50
Sponsor of Main Street $199.71, Special program for in town residents.
Patron of Main Street $500+
Please make checks payable to Rehoboth Beach Main Street, P.O. BOX 5O, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware 19971, or stop by the Rehoboth Beach Main Street office located at 509 Rehoboth Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, 19971
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